Findlay Automotive continues support for Nevada PEP
Published: 10/2/2023

Every parent wants their child to be happy, healthy and successful, so the idea of children being mistreated or bullied is heartbreaking. Tragically, studies show that kids with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied than their nondisabled peers. That is why Nevada PEP has made it their mission to stop bullying.
Over the past 28 years Nevada PEP has been empowering families to be life-long advocates for their children through education and skill building. With Nevada PEP’s support parents have the tools they need to advocate for their child’s success in school and in the community. All services are provided free of charge.
Here are some comments from parents who have been served by Nevada PEP:
“I wanted to thank Nevada PEP for the ongoing support for my daughter. Not only is my daughter not getting bullied any more, without your help she wouldn't have her 504 plan and safety plan. She is now getting good grades and is doing well. Thank you so much.”
“My son has now graduated from high school and is employed! Nevada PEP played a big role in his success. The work you all do is amazing! Thank you for everything you taught me along the way.”
Findlay CFO Tyler Corder said “We recognize that bullying is a problem, especially within school settings. Nevada PEP does a great job at preventing bullying within our local schools. It’s something we’re proud to support.”
Findlay Automotive has been supporting Nevada PEP for nearly ten years. Stephanie Vrsnik Community Development Director had this to say about the support they have received from Findlay. “With the generous support of Findlay Automotive Group Nevada PEP has been able to increase and promote more resources about bullying, including a Take Steps to Stop Bullying training to parents, schools, and community partners on the bullying laws, how to report a bullying incident, and the investigation and safety process in Nevada.”
Each October Nevada PEP hosts the I Care We Care campaign encouraging the community to send in messages of kindness and hope and proudly displays these caring messages on the I Care We Care page.
The I Care We Care team delivers Anti Bullying activity books and bookmarks to elementary schools that teach children about bullying prevention, and the importance of being kind. PEP also provides resources and information to school administrators and parents about bullying prevention.
If you would like to get support Nevada PEP or get them involved in your child’s school visit-
Findlay Automotive Group began in Las Vegas in 1961 with one location and has grown to 35 locations. To keep up with Findlay’s community activity follow them on Facebook at
Caption: Stephanie Vrsnik Community Development Director, Tyler Corder CFO Findlay Automotive Group and Bryce Loveland Nevada Board Chair.